Monday, October 12, 2009

Color be Beautiful

Two days in a row, how about that? I just couldn't wait to share this. Today is Columbus Day and a holiday for me, but not for my dentist. I had an appointment this morning and then I had clothes to take back to Penney's and I wanted to pick up another memory stick for my camera. I usually keep my eyes on the road and on the other drivers around me but, every once in a while something will catch my peripheral vision. Check out the color. I just happened to have my camera with me so I though it only fair to share the beauty of color; Bright, bold color. The blue is a triplex among triplexes and for the most part the area isn't kept up. It wasn't too noticeable before but now you can't miss it.

Down the street a few block we have this. I have never seen a tangerine colored house. I'm wondering if this was trim paint gone astray. There are houses on both sides of this one that are conservatively painted and landscaped. That might be why this house stands out now. I must say, it's just in time for Halloween.
As I drove through my neighborhood I noticed the leaves are turning yellow, orange, and brown, in keeping with the autumn season. I love the colors of Autumn. Tomorrow we are supposed to have a storm with high winds and lots of rain. I'm looking forward to it. I just wish I could stay home and enjoy it.
Color your world and have a blessed day.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Checking In

Greetings. It's been a few weeks since I posted anything. Truth is I've been as busy as a one armed paper hanger. I'm starting a class on Monday nights that requires homework. I have bible study on Wednesday nights and there is homework (reading) in that. I have a quilt guild meeting on the 3rd and 4th Thursdays of the month. I'm working full time, which will be ending in five months. It seems I have two days out of the week that I have time to sit at my computer and read emails and post to this blog. I miss reading blogs and sometimes I spend too much time doing that and don't have time to post on my own.

Today I had to break down and go shopping. I have never enjoyed shopping and today was no different. JC Penney is across the street from Church so, being the time management person that I am, I stopped in before heading out. I found some really good buys but most were too small. Okay, I know, that's my fault and I need to do something about it. Now for the clothes that are my size, I wanted to try on. On the day I choose to shop, Penney's decides to paint their dressing rooms. They had one dressing room area for the entire first floor and their was a line. I hate waiting in lines so I just bought everything and I will try them on tonight and those that don't fit or look right will go back on Wednesday.

I've been looking to upgrade my camera. Best Buy had something I felt meet my needs and the price was right. My issue was the battery. The salesman was no help. He couldn't answer my questions and he would leave to check with somebody else and it would appear nobody else could either, so I left. I just figure it wasn't meant to be. I had to stop in at Office Depot and pick up pencils for Saturday so I thought I would check out the cameras too. A young man asked if he could answer any questions. Oh my gosh, what a concept. I asked, he answered, and even provided written documentation on some of the questions I was asking. I was so excited I wanted to buy two. Their price was $50 more than Best Buy and he said no problem, we match any competitor's price. Thank you Lord.

Then if was off to Joann's with my 50% coupon. Since I'm intentional about spending I couldn't use that coupon. There was nothing I needed that wasn't already on sale. Oh well.

I'm finishing up my brother's quilt. When the binding is done I will take a picture, with my new camera and post it.

Tuesday we have a storm coming. My daughter-in-law laughs when I tell her that. She lives in the mid-west and said we don't have real storms. I love the rain and I'm really looking forward to the "Storm". It will be clear on Saturday and I'll be headed to the Pacific International quilt show with 52 other people on a bus. I'm so excited. I will be taking lots of pictures and I will share them with you all.

Have a blessed week.