Monday, September 28, 2009

Update on Activities

Life is a stitch. I've been sewing up a storm since I last posted. But before I share that I want to share a few pictures I took at the Diablo Quilt show. All the quilts were fabulous but a few really caught my eye. This little quilt is so cute and this picture doesn't do it justice. I have a few close ups so you get an idea of the detail. The quilter used fabric paints for shading and yarn for the hair. This is one close up that shows the painting on the legs and knees and face. Isn't this as cute as can be?
This is another example. Those are actual bows. I might try something like this in the future.

The President's challenge was all about fruit. I thought these pears were beautiful. I couldn't do this with paint let alone fabric. I would live to hang this in my kitchen.

This picture had some incredible quilting on it. What a work of art.

These are the fruit ladies and I have this panel. Now I know what I want to do with it. This is one fruitie quilt and so cute. We also went to Quilting in the Garden at the Alden Lane Nursery. I'll try to get some pictures posted. It was too hot for an autumn day.

This is quilt is one I made while on vacation for a co-worker who retired. She loves Maxine and I bought an embroidery disc with a dozen different Maxine's featured. I kind of put the horse before the cart and designed the blocks and quilt before all the Maxine blocks were embroidered so some were too big. I scanned some office photos on fabric and had her co-workers write their well wishes on the blocks. We had a lunch for her and people were able to write special messages to her. I'm pleased to announce, she really liked it. I've gotten a few thank yous from her. I really enjoyed making it too. So this is the back before a lot of messages were written in the white area.

This is the front being held up by Cindy's immediate co-workers. Cindy is the happy lady on the end with glasses. She has emailed me and says she is enjoying retirement and her quilt.

So today I put the borders on my brother's quilt I'm making for his birthday. I think he will like it and it will be a surprise. I also got my One-Block Wonder arranged on my design board. It's going to be a Christmas quilt. When I get it sewen and the first border on I'll post a picture. I'm not too sure what I'm going to use for the outside border. Then I have one more baby quilt to finish. It just needs the borders sewen on and then quilted.

Well tomorrow I have to be at work all day so when I get home I will probably sew one row of my OBW quilt and put the borders on the baby quilt. Wouldn't it be nice if all I ever had to do was quilt? Maybe someday soon.

Wishing you a blessed week.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

What's Been Happening?

One week gone and one week up. I practiced being retired last week and I was very, very good at it. I accomplished a lot and felt stress free. Monday I spent some time at Liz's house then did a little shopping. Tuesday I had a dental appointment in the morning and spent the rest of the day cleaning. Since my hubby had places to go and people to see I had the house to myself. I moved furniture and vacuumed, dusted, mopped, and scrubbed. The house looks great. I woke up Wednesday morning and could hardly move. I guess I'm getting too old for the housework game. Wednesday I headed for Quilters Quarters for their 9th Anniversary sale. I had the greatest time. I run into quilters I haven't seen in almost a year. I purchased 25 fat quarters for $25 and signed up for the One Block Wonder class. I also picked up more fabric for the Maxine quilt I'm making. By the way, it's done and I will start the quilting Tuesday. I'll post a picture next week. Thursday I headed to JoAnn's and ran into another long time friend. I went there to order a part for my quilting frame and spent almost an hour visiting. I've been reading, quilting, gardening, and relaxing. I've also enjoyed spending time with my hubby and worrying about what I should be doing. We've spent relaxed time together just chatting and being together. It's almost like falling in love again.

Saturday as I was reading Revelation 1:9 there was lightning, then the loud sound of thunder, followed by a little bit of rain. That went on for a couple of hours. The sky was beautiful with streaks of blue and fluffy clouds in an array of colors ranging from black to greys and white. Tami came by and we visited and I think all that thunder made her a little uneasy, although she wasn't going to say so. She knows how much I enjoy it. I could have used a bit more rain.

So next week will start with the One Block Wonder class. Tuesday, another early morning dental appointment then quilting in the afternoon. Wednesday I will be quilting during the day and off to church in the evening. Thursday is a whatever day if I have my quilting completed and the evening will be spent at the quilt guild meeting. Friday I'll work on finishing up my three quilt projects and Saturday I'll post some pictures.

I'm loving life and all it offers. God's peace to you.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Super Sunday

Our pastor's sermon this morning focused on Ephesians 6:10-20. I love the way the Lord answers our prayers. I've been asking him to guide me through my conversations with friends who are hurting, afraid, and depressed. It is a time of uncertainty for people and for many reasons. I always say to have faith but I know for many, that's not as easy as it sounds. Mary, my sister-in-law, has skin cancer and she is having surgery next week. Please pray for her. She is my BFF and quilting buddy. She is the sister I never had. She lives in Oregon so I can't be together whenever we want. We've wanted to move to Oregon for five years but that doesn't seem to be "His" will. I have a enough vacation time available so I can always head up there if she needs me.

So on the subject of vacation, I'm making a list and checking it twice. I have so many things I want to accomplish during this time off. I have three quilts that need to be finished and one I want to start. I also want to do some things around the house and yard. It really feels good to have the freedom to do things I want to do.

I'm going to start working on EQ6. I have had the program for a year but I never made the time to design a quilt with it. I have gone through the tutorials and I'm looking forward to mastering it. I feel creative these days.

My great nephew and his Mom moved to Redding a few weeks ago and I would like to go visit with them. She called my last week and put Joey on the phone and he jabbered away. He is two and has his own dialogue. He is such a cutie. I'm going to miss him.

The next time I post I hope to have pictures of some of my accomplishments.

Until then, keep the faith.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Special September

August finished in flames here in California. It's almost like the state is a blaze. It is so heartbreaking to see so many people losing their homes. I hope September brings an end to all these fires. I hope you will join me in praying for the people and firefighters.

This is going to be a special September for me because I'm taking two weeks vacation and staying close to home. I have list of things I want to accomplish but this is a kind of test run for retirement. Retirement is still 192 days away but I want to get into the habit of setting goals and accomplishing something everyday. I want to be so busy that I will need to take a vacation just to rest from all the things I'm doing. I will be doing a lot of quilting, of course, but I'm going to decorate my house for fall. I always do a little of that anyway but due to the lack of time I never have gone all out. I'm going to shop for some pictures for one of the bathrooms and I'm making a curtain for the window. I might even do some shopping for new area rugs. I'm also going to plant my fall bulbs. I want my yard to be full of flowering color this Spring. I have three quilts that are gifts and I will get those completed too. I will work the entire month in October and take another two weeks off in November. Life is good.

Have you checked out Patchwork Party Fall 2009. I'm disappointed in the finishing kits and debating on buying the 12 blocks and creating my own quilt. Then again, maybe I should finish the Patchwork quilts I have started. I explained to some friend Saturday that I was a Zen Quilter. I quilt for the process. It's therapeutic. I think I'll do some quilting now.

Have a bless week.