Sunday, June 27, 2010


Yep, that's what we heard off and on for three days. I spent three days at a Ricky Tim's seminar. Alex Anderson and Libby Lehman were part of the fun. I learned so much and got so much inspiration from the three of them. In addition to teaching techniques they also shared their journey in quilting and some about their lives. Ricky started quilting in 1991 and shared his first experiences, first quilt and his goals. He is a terrific entertainer and he performed a concert for us on Friday night. It is hard to believe somebody can be so talented in to many areas. I wanted to share some pictures with you. This is Ricky in front of two of his quilts. We were allowed to go up on the stage and take pi cutes and get up close and personal with the incredible work he does.
This quilt is by Libby Lehman. She is so funny and tells great jokes during her demonstrations. She is very knowledgeable about sewing machines and threads. Believe me when I tell you, these pictures do not do these quilts justice.

This is one of the quilts that Libby demonstrated the technique for us. I do think I could do something like this. She sure made it look easy. The machine attachment she used to do this technique happens to be part of my "what the heck is this thing for" box. Now for those who don't have one of the attachments, Meissner's was there with a store set up and you could purchase any Bernina sewing machine made, including sewing machine tables and quilting frames. They were even offering 36 months, no interest financing.

I have always admired Alex Anderson. She did a trunk show at Manteca Quilt guild and that's when I first saw this quilt. Alex is known for her HGTV show, Simply Quilts, and her hand quilting. When you get up close to this quilt it is almost unbelievable that some one could hand quilt all that. What a work of art.

This quilt is another example of Libby's quilting and thread art. It is so beautiful.

This is another of Alex's quilts that show cases her beautiful hand quilting. She did a lectures on how to chose the right quilt design for your quilt and other very useful information . She also demonstrated hand quilting.

This is another quit by Ricky.

This quilt is demonstrates a new technique he is working on, using photo's. Looks like he perfected it to me.

This is Ricky's quilt tool It was hanging on the stage and I studied this one up close. He quits his quilts too and doesn't use a long arm. That was the message I needed to hear. He explained his process and I'm ready to take on my stack of quilt tops.

This is another one of his quilts. He explained the process, from designing to binding this quilt. He breaks each step into small increments so you get motivated to give it a try. If you ever get the chance to attend a Ricky Tims' Super Quilt Seminar, DO IT. I'm sure you won't regret it.

The quilt pictured below is the first quilt Ricky made. His message throughout the three days is never give up. Everything you do will be a learning experience and a step closer to your goal of becoming the quilter you want to be.

I don't know what's up with the corner of this picture but I think you get the idea. Ricky is a great story teller and when he tells about his first quilt he credits other quilters who encouraged him and shared their quilt tips and techniques with him.

In two weeks I will be in Sister's Oregon for the fabulous outdoor quilt show. I'm working there this year but I will find a way to take hundreds of pictures and get more inspiration.
I hope you enjoyed these pictures, your Sunday is blessed and you have a fabulous week ahead.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Marvelous Monday

This is the start of a new week and it will be a marvelous week. Today is the beginning of a six week study of Ephesians on a blog. What an incredible tool to use to bring hundreds of people together to study the word of God. If you remember my last post, Saturday we had a video conference wedding linking England and the US. I can't wait to see what is next. It's not to late to get in on this study. Go to and read all about it. This is a study that will bring joy to your heart.

I have a long list of things I need to accomplish today so I must get started. I pray that your day will be blessed.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Life Goes On

After a very sad week we are trying to stay busy and keep our minds occupied so we aren't focusing on the loss of our dearest little Herkie. His little buddy, Missy, seems to be looking for him. Maybe we are just reading something into her behavior that isn't really there. We sure miss him terribly.

Check out my newest challenge. This quilt is called Ladies of the Sea and was designed by Susan H. Garman. I have been admiring this for a few months but thought it was to complicated to tackle. I'm just getting into the applique technique. I love the ocean and anything nautical so after admiring from a far I decided to go for it. It's a 12 month block of the month series so I will take it one block at a time and I figure with each block I can only improve. The best part about taking on this project is knowing some very talented and accomplished appliquers that will be willing to help if needed.

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending the wedding of Ashley and Elivs. Isn't she a beautiful bride? She is from England and her family couldn't attend the wedding so one of the guys from church hooked up a laptop with a video camera and connected her family to the church, by video, so they could be a part of this special day. How cool is that? The handsome pastor is Pastor Dan. That was his first video wedding.

It's a very warm day today and the wind has finally calmed down. It's the kind of day you want to stay inside and work on a quilt or read a book, and anything else that doesn't involve being outside in the heat.
Wishing you God's peace.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Good Bye Sweet Herkie

Our best friends eyes closed last night
as his head rest in our hands.
The doctors said he was in pain
and he could no longer stand.
The thoughts that rambled through our heads
while we cradled him in our arms,
Were of his younger years
and all the joys we shared.
Our bed is empty now
where he once laid his head,
Between the two people who loved him
and cherished the time we shared.
They say memories are golden
and maybe it's true.
But we never wanted memories
We only wanted you.
Throughout the day we think of you
and throughout the day we cry
If love alone could have saved you
You never would have died.
In life we loved you dearly
In death we love you still.
In our hearts you hold a place
No one could ever fill.
Good bye Sweet Herkie.
Thank you Lord for the gift of his companionship and the time we shared together.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Computer Heart Break

Greetings from a very frustrated computer user. My computer finally died yesterday. All my attempts to revive it failed. I knew this was coming because I've had to use the system disk twice to get it up and running. After three hours yesterday I just gave up. My next step was to decide if I was going to use my laptop or buy a new desktop. I have been wanting to change over to a Mac because of all the problems and security issues with Microsoft but that would require going out of town and a bigger financial burden. I will be in Oregon in July and I was going to shop there, no sales tax. I opted for the laptop. I took the old out and hooked up the laptop and what a nightmare. This is an old laptop and so slow you could bake bread while waiting to get a response from it. By 6:30 I was ready to pull my hair out. I went online and researched systems and prices. I went through the Sunday papers and found a sale at Office Depot. They have the HP Pavilion Slimline Desktop on sale for $529.99. QVC had the same system for a lot more plus shipping. So I decided to take the plunge. Today I'm dealing with set-up. The computer comes with no manuals. I'm searching the system for manuals and what I need I can't find. I can't get my Microsoft Office to load. Half of my software won't run with Windows 7 and some of my software is no where to be found. My HP Officejet 7210 All In One, a purchase I made a few years back doesn't work with Windows 7. I love this All In One. There is an upside to all this, my files are backed up. So I will proceed until I can proceed no more.

I wish I was quilting. Have a blessed day.