Yesterday was fabulous. I had a facial, made a loaf of cranberry walnut bread, cooked a roast in the crock pot and whipped up an apple crunch dessert. I cut some templates out for a snowman applique block and today I'm gong to search for my steam-a-seam light so I can fuse the pieces on to the backing. I'm not real organized and it bothers me that I have to spend so much time hunting for stuff. Sometimes I get frustrated and just go buy more. I need shelves and storage compartment to organize everything. It will probably be March before I can focus on that project but I'm collecting pictures and ideas of other quilters organized areas.
This is my daughter Tami and her precious little Jelly. I'm not sure where the name came from. Jelly is decked out in her suede "Diva"coat ready to party. Tami talks to Jelly and Jelly talks back. She even sings. When Tami goes to work there are a number of family members waiting in line to babysit. That would include Paul. The only problem Paul has is Missy and Herkie get tired of her real quick. She has too much energy.
This is an up close picture of a few of the blocks in my Bro's quilt. Now that we are starting to have cooler nights he will have something to keep him warm.
These bears are a bit mischievous.
In keeping with the theme the blocks are bear paws and log cabin.
Today I'm going to start a new quilt. It's actually going to be used as a wall hanging. It's a pattern called Turtles N Tidepools designed by Patricia Pepe. You need her X-block rotary cutting tools. I might be teaching his technique at a retreat in Oregon next year. Check out her web site
Time is slipping by so I must get to work and have some fun. Vacations are good.
Wishing you a blessed day.
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