I have been on the go. Two weeks ago we went to Oakland, OR, a small town just outside of Sutherlin. First off, there is a wonderful place to get great sandwiches called Old Town Tavern. I should have taken a picture because it looks like it's from out of a western movie. As you walk through the little town you will notice that no two houses are the same. This little town has a lot of history. This is a picture of a Bed and Breakfast that's for sale. I didn't dare ask how much. I can just imagine my quilts on the beds in this beautiful home.

This is another house that really caught my eye. I wanted to knock on the door and ask for a tour. I love the red door. It's like going back in time. Do you remember Murder She Wrote? That's what I kept thinking about as we walked through town.

We have been working on the garden. We planted everything but corn. It was a lot of work but it will be worth it when the vegetables mature and we can start eating. We planted enough of some thing so we will be able to do some canning. The herbs are planted in containers. I still need to pick up some dill for our pickles. The picture below are tomatoes.

This is where the poll beans are planted. We also have peas too. Down the middle of the polls we planted spinach. Now we need a lot of sunny days so everything starts growing. I will post pictures of the growth progress taking place in the garden.

There is always time for quilting. I started a Bible study with ten other women and the study includes quilt blocks. Below is a picture of the book. The first block is Jacob's Ladder and the next block is Joseph's Coat. The story behind the blocks can be found in the book of Genesis. This is great fellowship, quilting, and learning. We meet once a month. Life is good.

My fabrics are out of my stash so you could say this will be a scrappy quilt in blue, green and yellow.

I'm also working on a quilt for my oldest Grandson, Ben. When it's done I will post a picture. We are also getting things ready for the Sister's quilt show and a week in Sister's taking classes. I'm looking forward to shopping in Bend. There are some great quilt shops there.
So there you have it. I seem to be on the go every day. I'm going to start planting flowers in the yard on Monday. I have them in the patio ready to go.
Wishing you God's peace
The pictures of the houses in Oakland are beautiful. We just might have to drive through next time we are on our way to Roseburg. I think the idea of A Quilty Bible study is wonderful--combining two loves. Your garden looks so nice--hopefully you will have a wonderful harvest. I am sure many hot dry days are ahead for you if my experience with your part of the country holds true!