I am having a hard time posting on a regular basis. I have been so busy doing so many things. I still make time to enjoy my surroundings, mostly outdoors. Since we moved into our home in September I am experiencing something new every week in our yard. It would appear from the landscape here that we live in Rhododendron land. These beautiful bushes are everywhere. They come in colors ranging from reds to white. The one pictured below is a very dark pink. It bloomed in a matter of days and I think it is beautiful. I have a red one at the other end of the yard that is just starting to bloom and two lavender colored ones in the front of the house. There are two light pink ones starting to bloom under my dining room window. I need to get pictures, but I was waiting until they were in full bloom.

I have been planting flowers all round the yard. I found a place that sells plants for half the price as the other stores. The fuchsia does well here too. I have two of these beautiful baskets hanging outside windows.

How about an update on our garden? We had to re-plant some of our vegetables because they didn't like being without sun. It seems that the rain isn't going away. I think some of our seeds rotted too. We did have some sun yesterday and so far today, no rain but lots of beautiful fluffy clouds. On the bright side, the lettuces are doing okay. The bugs really like it. I pulled a lot of weeds, as they are doing very well, and thinned out some of the lettuce. I really like instant gratification and this garden isn't doing it for me. There is something planted in every row.

The picture below is lettuce and some onions to the right. We stuck some marigolds in there because I read that they help keep the bugs away and the color is nice too.

As if I don't have enough to do, my DH had to have this rabbit. To keep it simple, he named it Bunny. Our children wanted a rabbit when they were young and they were told no. I can't wait to see how DH is going to explain this new addition to the family.

As you might notice from Missy's expression, she is not too happy about sharing her home with this furry little critter. She is acting up and too bad if you don't like it. Talk about attitude. So now I'm looking through my stash for some fabric to make a bunny wall hanging. It is a sweet little bunny, I just wish it lived someplace else and I had visitation privileges.

I praying for a sunny week so I can get some of the weeds pulled in the front of the house. I have a wall hanging to finish and two blocks to cut out for my Bible block project. We are also getting things ready for Sister's quilt show. I need a to do list to keep me on track.
I pray God's blessings for you and yours.
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