It was windy in the park but if you were in the sun it was very comfortable. I spent most of the afternoon chasing Joey as he was not going to stay in one place for more than 30 seconds. When it was time to open his presents he was happy with the first and had to be persuaded to open the next. Then it was time for the cake and the traditional birthday song. He covered his ears when we sang Happy Birthday and when that was over he wanted to play with the candle on his cake, until he got a taste of the frosting. I had forgotten how fun a two year old could be.
On Sunday my brother and his wife joined us for Easter services and breakfast at IHop. We and a relaxing breakfast and visit. Traditionally I have a truck load of family over for barbecue and socializing but since we had spent Saturday together for Joey's birthday I guess the family thought they had enough of each other, which was okay with me. I was ready for some R & R.
I finished two more Patchwork Party blocks and got some disappointing news from Suzanne's Quilt Shop and The Calico Cat. They ran out of fabric and are waiting for a shipment so I have to wait for my block kits. I was hoping to finish this beauty before the end of the month but that might not happen. I have the seven completed blocks up on my design wall to admire. I'm looking forward to this finished quilt.
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