When my computer doesn't function like is should I shut it down and re-boot and that seems to correct what ever it was that caused the problem. I am now able to up-load the pictures I referenced in yesterday's posting. This is a picture of the Cutie Patootie quilt I made and is hanging at The Sewing Basket. The pattern can be found on the Red Rooster web site but the pattern has some errors in it. First error is the squaring up of the panel and the second error is the measurement on the green fabric. The quilt is cute and was fun to do.

This is a picture of my welcoming committee at Mary's. These are very noisy geese and if you ever heard that they make good watch animals, it's true. When I drive up to the house they start their honking and come rushing you. I'm not sure which one it is but one of those little rascals has bitten Mary. I'm not sure I would want a pet like that. The ducks are fun and not aggressive. Mary has been giving me duck eggs and I've been cooking with them. Other than the size, I can't tell the difference.

The next picture isn't very clear. I took it early in the morning from my dining room window. I think this is a hawk. It's a small bird and very beautiful. It was dinning on it's prey. Since my camera wouldn't zoom in close enough I got the video camera and filmed it. Just another perk when living out of town.

This is a picture of Brooke, Britney, and Bree in their Halloween costumes. Aren't they cute? Their Mom really enjoys Halloween and her daughters. The older one, Britney, may be spending some time with us next summer. I sure hope that works out.

Signs of Christmas is all around us. Did you know that Oregon is the biggest producer of Christmas trees in the nation, harvesting roughly 7.8 million trees each year? We haven't had a fresh tree in ten years but I think this year will be different. There is a tree farm a few miles from home and on Black Friday we are going to check it out. I have always missed the smell of a fresh cut tree. We will get a small one. One of the boxes stacked in the garage is labeled X-mas directions and I'm looking forward to checking it out. There will be some fun memories in it for sure.
Thanksgiving is just four days away and I'm ready to cook. We will barbecue a small turkey and I'll have all the side dishes to go along with it. I'm baking apple, pumpkin, and pecan pies. Mary and Larry are joining us so there will be plenty to send home with them. I love to cook and the two of us can't eat everything so I love to share.
On the quilt front, I'm working on the 2008 Web Sampler Celebration quilt. I haven't meet anybody here that likes the Civil War fabrics so this quilt will be very different from the others that go through the shop. I'm post a picture of the completed quilt. I quilted and binded a quilt I pieced a few years back. It's a lap size quilt. I'll post a picture next week.
The sun is shinning bright and I feel like a walk with Missy. Have a blessed day.
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