In the 1930's there were over 300 covered bridges in Oregon. Today there are 53, the largest concentration in the Western United States. On one of our drives we came across this bridge. There is a nice parking area where you can get out of the car, walk around, take in the scenery, and read about the restoration of this beautiful bridge. It has always bothered me the way people in the US are so welling to tear down and get rid of the things of the past. When I was traveling in other countries I became very aware of this. Seeing and reading the history of these bridges gives you a feel for the past.
For a little family news. Congratulations to Tami and Joe. My daughter called to ask her Dad to walk her down the isle. We are planning a February wedding and I have a special quilt to make and I know just the one. I'm so happy for them and us. We love Joe and his family. He is a very special man and I know they will be very happy together.
I have lot's to do so I better get started. Have a blessed week and enjoy your summer.
We have been in Oregon many times to visit family but usually just stick to the freeway to get to our destination. I didn't know Oregon had covered bridges so now I want to see those. I love history and find that North America in general is quick to discard to the old for the new. Sad.