I have been collecting Betty Boop items for 40 years. Some of my collectibles are rare and pricey and others are inexpensive and fun. The majority of my Boop collection is gifts from friends and family so they have a special place in my heart.
This is my latest addition and I purchased her because she is making a statement about breast cancer awareness. I love her pink dress. She is made of porcelain and is a true collectible.
Quilting is my passion. A day doesn't go by when I'm not doing some kind of project involving fabric. Quilting can involve embroidery, paper piecing, strip piecing, templates, etc. and sometime I get board or something else catches my eye and I go to a new project, hence the UFO's. So, when my friend publicly, on her blog, asked that we reveal our UFO list to the world I freaked. Family and friends read my blog. This is how I keep up with family and friends out of town and state. Do I dare reveal all? Sometimes when I'm searching for fabric I will find a quilt top I did years ago. Not like 10 or 20 years but like 2 or 3 and sometimes maybe 5 years ago. I guess I should be thankful that she isn't asking about my unfinished kits. So I'm doing some soul searching and I'm going to go through all my UFO's and start the list.
So, here is a quilt designed by my talented friend, Dianah, called Hole In My Roll. It's made from one Bali Pop. It was fast and fun. I will finish it this week and quilt it myself. This is a picture of it on my design wall. I love the colors. I'm not sure if I'm going to add a boarder yet so It will leave it hanging a few days and look at it, study it, take it to work and ask for opinions and then we'll see.
Until next time have a blessed week.
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