Greetings and happy Saturday to you. When I was working Saturday's were a very special day for me. Now that I'm retired, everyday is Saturday, except Sunday. So this Saturday I will be doing various things. I want to finish my star block quilt. I have laid the blocks out in various order, on the floor because my design board isn't up yet, to determine what looks best. The blocks will be sewen with sashing and corner squares.

This picture below is what I'm going with. This quilt is all about half square triangles. I will post a picture when I get it sewen together.

Thursday night I hung out with the girls at the Sewing Basket and made Tukaway Tote bags to sell at the Sister's quilt show. I love them so much I brought a few kits to sew up at home and I'm making a tote for myself, Mom and Daughter. I want to make a few extras to have around for last minute gifts too. They are 20" x 22" and fold into it's own little pocket and fits in your purse or where ever you want. I'll post a picture.

So, we are all sitting in the back of the store sewing our little hearts away and somebody yells, "Come on out here, you gotta see this." Well of course everybody jumps out of their seats and runs out of the store. You can't see anything and then everybody looks up to the West at the sunset. I gotta say, there is beauty all around here. I wonder if it was like that in Stockton and I just couldn't see it. I had to grab my camera and get a picture of this. I wonder if the people in the passing cars thought we were all nuts.

I know my photo's didn't capture the true beauty of this but I'm sure you get the idea. I was trying to get a shot without the traffic signs and buildings.
When I got home that night I noticed Paul had his camera on the counter and I asked why. He told me about the beautiful sunset I missed and when he was outside taking pictures some of the neighbors were doing the same. I need to check out his pictures because there isn't street signs and polls to obstruct the view from home. Oh, the 10 o'clock news showed shots of the sunset and commented on it too.
So I have some reading to catch up on, laundry, bags to sew, a quilt to finish, vacuuming, and grocery shopping. It's just a sampling of what I'm going to do this wonderful Saturday.
Wish you a blessed day.
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