It's the start of another week here in
Sutherlin. Our weather last week was
incredible. The sun warmed the days to 60 degrees and I wasn't motivated to be indoors working on my goals. We have a park bench on the porch and that's where I felt I needed to be with book in had and a cup of tea. Why waste a beautiful sunny day indoors?
This morning the ground is wet and it looks like it rained. That is a good thing because people around here are worried about the lack of rain fall. Last year it rained up until May and people couldn't get there gardens planted. If it rains today there will be a possibility that I will get some of my "STUFF" done.
Yesterday we spent Super Bowl over Larry and Mary's. Mary and I had a table stacked with food and we were going to sit in front of the TV and graze all day. I couldn't waste the day like that. Mary and I hung out with her four legged friends and the feathered one's too. The all have names but I don't know who's who.

These guys a very
noisy. It was okay watching them bath and play in the water but the best part is when they turn their heads around and
nestle them on their backs and sleep.

I have made progress on these cute totes. This is my
favorite. I love the cherries. The black doted pocket is where you fold and stuff the bag.

Here are three other fabric choices. I like the lemon one too.

Our church is
rinsing money for the Mexico Mission Team. Thursday and Friday I baked cookies and cupcakes and decorated them with a Valentine theme for a bake sale that was held
Saturday and Sunday. Today we will be getting things together for a garage sale. Garage sales are very big in Oregon. I would like to work in the garden or just watch the birds feeding on the lawn but I must stop the day dreaming and get to work.
Have a blessed day and a productive week.
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