Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year
Do you make New year Resolutions each year? Are you able to keep them? What ever your resolution happens to be, the only way to succeed is to take it one step at a time. Set specific goals and make the decision to stick with it. So, my first and most important goal is to establish healthy eating and exercising habits. I've read that it take 26 days for a task to become a habit. Since I am retiring in two weeks I will have the time to plan and follow through with purchasing and preparing healthier meals and spending time in action. Being home this past week has shown me how easy it is to get comfortable in front of the television and just sit. I don't want to get into that habit. I am starting with a walking regime. I will start with 30 minutes a day. My other goal is to spend more time reading. I have been putting together a list of books I want to read. They aren't all fiction. I'm going to read Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue. I admire her so much. More about that in the future. I'm going to spend more time in prayer and reading and studying the Bible. I can add to this list but I want to be realistic. These are the most important things I want to accomplish. I have UFO's to finish and other things I want to do but next year I want to report, mission accomplished.
I wish you and yours the safest and happiest New Year every. God's peace be with you.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Blessings
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Saturday Planning
It's started raining yesterday and it's been off an on since. I love the rain. When it stops everything outside looks so clean and fresh. The rain relaxes me and my brain kicks into the creative mode. I started listing the creative projects I want to try. It's Saturday and I would like to work on some of the things on my list. Unfortunately I have other things that have priority over what I want to do. In 66 days, everyday will be a Saturday.
This is Ethan's quilt. I finished it Monday and delivered it to his Grandmother Tuesday. I love the little bunny's and the activities they are performing. It's all boy. I quilted airplanes and clouds in the border and stars in the solid squares.
Monday, December 7, 2009
It's Snowing
I've been in a funk for the past two weeks and every day has been a struggle to get things done and take care of business. I spent yesterday shopping for Christmas gifts for grandchildren. I don't enjoy shopping, especially when I can't find what I want. Today I will probably sit in front of the window until the snow stops. I can type and watch at the same time so that's good. It's not so good for the quilt I should have finished two weeks ago. Oh well.
It's been 46 minutes of snow and it looks as if it over. I can get busy on the quilt. I feel great.
Peace be with you.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Estate Sale
My Mother called Friday and was bouncing off the walls because of an Estate sale listed in the paper. I have never been to an estate sale before. She and Tami acted like I was from another planet. Why shop if you don't need anything and you don't even know what's going to be there to purchase? Did you know that my Mom knows how to get my attention? She pointed out that lots of quilts and fabric were for sale and that got my attention. I'm on vacation and there isn't anything on my To Do List that can't wait. Tami gave me the address and directions and off I went. The front door and garage were open and people were going in every direction. As I walked into the front door I looked around at dishes, pots and pans and trinkets everywhere. A women asked me what I was interested in and I said quilts and fabric. She said up stairs and to the right, you'll be in heaven. As I started up the stairs I saw quilts hanging over the rail. They looked old and hand made. They seemed prices a bit high and I kept going. The door to my right was a small bedroom that must have been used as a craft/sewing room. There were drawers stacked on table tops and boxes of "stuff"on the floor. There was a pile of six lap and baby size quilts that were pinned, basted and ready to be quited. As I looked at this pile I started thinking about my quilt tops piled high waiting to be finished. The boxes had lace, ribbon and trims, some used and some that had not been opened. It was starting to become an out of body experience as I looked at the variety of must have just in case stuff. As I watched people going through all her things I started feeling a bit obtrusive. Was it her wish that strangers go through her stuff? There was an embossing template that hadn't been opened and it looked like something I would use so I picked it up and moved on to the next room. This too was a small room with a daybed that had a SOLD sign on it. Her closet was opened and I could tell from her clothes that she was a petite women who occasionally dressed up. She wore a size 5 shoe. There was a box of greeting cards on the dresser that she had saved. As I read some of the notes written in them I felt guilty, like I was reading somebody's mail. It looked as if she kept in touch and had lots of friends that did the same. As I proceeded down stairs I noticed a small book case. There was large family bible and various Christian books. I felt saddened by the fact that her family didn't want that beautiful bible. I thought about purchasing it but such a heart ache came over me I just couldn't. Her family tree was written in it and various other family notes. There was a small pocket size New Testament that I picked up and because there wasn't any personal notes in it took it. Downstairs there was silver, crystal, cook ware and appliances for sale. I wasn't interested in any of that so off to the garage I went. There were boxes of oil paintings. It looks like the lady of the house was interested in painting. Some of the paintings were good, not that I would know good from bad. I thought about purchasing a few of them for the frames but talked myself out of it. There was a box full of costume jewelry so I look through that. There was a small black butterfly pin with gold etching on it and K24 engraved on the bottom half of a wing. I didn't notice that until I got home and looked at it under a magnifying glass. The area between the wings is gold and has delicate etching on it. So I picked it up and went to the cashier with my big purchases. It consisted of the butterfly pin, embossing template and the small New Testament Bible. She looked at me said, "how does $1.75 sound?" I gave her the money and walked around a bit more. There was a walker in the yard with a $10 for sale sign on it. There was also had an electronic Singer Sewing machine and a Serger for sale. I noticed a small framed dress form but no dollar amount on it. I wonder about the lady that at one time owned and used all that stuff. I wonder if she intended to have strangers going through everything. After going through her home I feel like I know her. She was a Christian lady who liked to paint, sew, and quilt. She must have enjoyed entertaining because she had beautiful silver and crystal. There was a couple of boxes full of wine being sold too. I didn't check that out. I'm not sure that is even legal. So my first estate sale turned out to be a sad experience. I thought about that lady for the rest of the day.
When I got home from church today I did some organizing in my sewing room. I found some great decorative buttons I forgot I had. I will use them on some of my wall hangings. I need to make a list so my family knows what to do with my stuff. I don't want strangers picking through it.
Have a blessed day.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
A Relaxed Day
Monday, November 9, 2009
I started a class on Stephen Ministry training. It's a 50 hour training and we meet from 7:00 pm to 9:00 on Monday's. It's been a challenge because I'm usually in bed by 9:00 and up at 4:30 am. I'm so tired at work on Tuesdays I end up going to bed early to make up for lost sleep and I don't get my Tuesday evening tasks done. If that's not a sign of getting old, I don't know what is. That would explain why women shouldn't have children after 50. There are some quilts I want to get quilted and I plan to organize my quilting room.
At a quilt show I attended last month I met Connie Mantini. She wrote a book called Shatter and Sew. It's an introduction to the Shattered Image technique. You can check out her website for details. I bought a few yards of this beautiful fall fabric that I think would be perfect for this technique. I'm hoping to work it into my two week schedule.
I got a new camera for my BD and I will download some picture and post them tomorrow. I finished my brother's quilt and presented it to him on his birthday. I think he liked it. I have some pictures of some great quilts to share too. For now, I'm off to the grocery store.
Wishing you a blessed day.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Color be Beautiful
Down the street a few block we have this. I have never seen a tangerine colored house. I'm wondering if this was trim paint gone astray. There are houses on both sides of this one that are conservatively painted and landscaped. That might be why this house stands out now. I must say, it's just in time for Halloween.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Checking In
Today I had to break down and go shopping. I have never enjoyed shopping and today was no different. JC Penney is across the street from Church so, being the time management person that I am, I stopped in before heading out. I found some really good buys but most were too small. Okay, I know, that's my fault and I need to do something about it. Now for the clothes that are my size, I wanted to try on. On the day I choose to shop, Penney's decides to paint their dressing rooms. They had one dressing room area for the entire first floor and their was a line. I hate waiting in lines so I just bought everything and I will try them on tonight and those that don't fit or look right will go back on Wednesday.
I've been looking to upgrade my camera. Best Buy had something I felt meet my needs and the price was right. My issue was the battery. The salesman was no help. He couldn't answer my questions and he would leave to check with somebody else and it would appear nobody else could either, so I left. I just figure it wasn't meant to be. I had to stop in at Office Depot and pick up pencils for Saturday so I thought I would check out the cameras too. A young man asked if he could answer any questions. Oh my gosh, what a concept. I asked, he answered, and even provided written documentation on some of the questions I was asking. I was so excited I wanted to buy two. Their price was $50 more than Best Buy and he said no problem, we match any competitor's price. Thank you Lord.
Then if was off to Joann's with my 50% coupon. Since I'm intentional about spending I couldn't use that coupon. There was nothing I needed that wasn't already on sale. Oh well.
I'm finishing up my brother's quilt. When the binding is done I will take a picture, with my new camera and post it.
Tuesday we have a storm coming. My daughter-in-law laughs when I tell her that. She lives in the mid-west and said we don't have real storms. I love the rain and I'm really looking forward to the "Storm". It will be clear on Saturday and I'll be headed to the Pacific International quilt show with 52 other people on a bus. I'm so excited. I will be taking lots of pictures and I will share them with you all.
Have a blessed week.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Update on Activities
Well tomorrow I have to be at work all day so when I get home I will probably sew one row of my OBW quilt and put the borders on the baby quilt. Wouldn't it be nice if all I ever had to do was quilt? Maybe someday soon.
Wishing you a blessed week.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
What's Been Happening?
Saturday as I was reading Revelation 1:9 there was lightning, then the loud sound of thunder, followed by a little bit of rain. That went on for a couple of hours. The sky was beautiful with streaks of blue and fluffy clouds in an array of colors ranging from black to greys and white. Tami came by and we visited and I think all that thunder made her a little uneasy, although she wasn't going to say so. She knows how much I enjoy it. I could have used a bit more rain.
So next week will start with the One Block Wonder class. Tuesday, another early morning dental appointment then quilting in the afternoon. Wednesday I will be quilting during the day and off to church in the evening. Thursday is a whatever day if I have my quilting completed and the evening will be spent at the quilt guild meeting. Friday I'll work on finishing up my three quilt projects and Saturday I'll post some pictures.
I'm loving life and all it offers. God's peace to you.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Super Sunday
So on the subject of vacation, I'm making a list and checking it twice. I have so many things I want to accomplish during this time off. I have three quilts that need to be finished and one I want to start. I also want to do some things around the house and yard. It really feels good to have the freedom to do things I want to do.
I'm going to start working on EQ6. I have had the program for a year but I never made the time to design a quilt with it. I have gone through the tutorials and I'm looking forward to mastering it. I feel creative these days.
My great nephew and his Mom moved to Redding a few weeks ago and I would like to go visit with them. She called my last week and put Joey on the phone and he jabbered away. He is two and has his own dialogue. He is such a cutie. I'm going to miss him.
The next time I post I hope to have pictures of some of my accomplishments.
Until then, keep the faith.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
A Special September
This is going to be a special September for me because I'm taking two weeks vacation and staying close to home. I have list of things I want to accomplish but this is a kind of test run for retirement. Retirement is still 192 days away but I want to get into the habit of setting goals and accomplishing something everyday. I want to be so busy that I will need to take a vacation just to rest from all the things I'm doing. I will be doing a lot of quilting, of course, but I'm going to decorate my house for fall. I always do a little of that anyway but due to the lack of time I never have gone all out. I'm going to shop for some pictures for one of the bathrooms and I'm making a curtain for the window. I might even do some shopping for new area rugs. I'm also going to plant my fall bulbs. I want my yard to be full of flowering color this Spring. I have three quilts that are gifts and I will get those completed too. I will work the entire month in October and take another two weeks off in November. Life is good.
Have you checked out Patchwork Party Fall 2009. I'm disappointed in the finishing kits and debating on buying the 12 blocks and creating my own quilt. Then again, maybe I should finish the Patchwork quilts I have started. I explained to some friend Saturday that I was a Zen Quilter. I quilt for the process. It's therapeutic. I think I'll do some quilting now.
Have a bless week.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Batiks Plus is one of my favorite web stores. I don't purchase a lot from them but, only because I don't have the money. The quilt below is a Judy Niemeyer design done in batiks. The cost of the quilt kit is $390. No that doesn't include the backing. It takes every ounce of my self control not to pull out my credit card and purchase this kit. I love the quilt and I love batik fabrics.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Just Whining
I have been looking at the professional long arm's like APQS, Nolting, Tin Lizzie and Gammill but we are talking 10 to 20 thousand dollars, not to mention the space they take up. I would have to commit to starting a business to pay for this. We'll see. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm going to have an ice cream and watch Two and Half Men. Maybe tomorrow I will try quilting again.
Have a blessed evening.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
What to do next.
Friday we celebrated our 33rd. wedding anniversary. I worked all day so we went out for a nice dinner. We don't eat out much and so it was a treat.
Saturday I spent the entire day cleaning my living room. You are probably thinking I must be a very dirty housekeeper. Well, not on the surface. I have lots of stuff and when you have to move lots of stuff around it takes lots of time. I guess you could say I am very blessed. I have a collection of Betty Boop porcelain dolls in a display case that hasn't been dusted in months. It took hours to take each doll out, clean the glass shelves and the dolls and put them back. They are very fragile and you don't want to bump porcelain against glass. It was well worth it. I also have dozens of porcelain dolls I have made over the years. We are talking 25 years. I taught doll making, made clothes and sold the finished dolls in a boutique called The Dragonfly. Well that was then and this is now. I felt it was time to put some of those dolls up and some are being donated to the Cancer Society for a fundraiser they have scheduled. The attraction of making your own porcelain doll has died so I make a few dolls when I get special request, for which I have two.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
A New Month
For a couple of years Stockton had the highest foreclosure rates in the nation, #1, and we learned this week we are now # 5 in foreclosures. Today's Record is reporting the closure of the Lexington Hotel and the upcoming auction. This hotel started out in August, 2005 as the Sheraton. It was a luxurious hotel in the middle of a not so luxurious downtown. It boasted seven floors, 179 room and 42 big ticket condominiums for sale. It was very nice but out of place in Stockton. It was the dream child of a few of the good old boys here in the most miserable city. The hotel was built on waterfront property the city sold for $1. Yes, you read it right, ONE DOLLAR. The city government subsidized $500,000 of the tax payers money for the project. Sad to say, it was a bust from the beginning. The bank foreclosed on it in July of 08 and has been in receivership since. In November of 08 it became the Lexington Hotel and now it's going to be sold at public auction. The amazing part of all this, the Mayor is quoted in the Record as saying, Ï think everyone is in shock that this would happen at this juncture." I have to ask, are all our elected government official out of touch with reality? Who did she think was going to stay at this hotel? Ít's not like we have big business or manufacturing here. It's an agriculture community. This city has great potential with an inland port, airport, and rail access but in 59 years that I've been here, these golden treasures have always been underutilized. So, if you want to buy a large hotel you know where to come. Someday I'll tell you about the city's use of public funds to subsidize a Sacramento restaurant owner. It was as successful as the Sheraton.
Enough of the negative. I'm off to plan, clean, organize, and quilt, not necessarily in that order. Have a blessed day.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Back to Work
I'm playing with EQ 6 this week with a goal of creating my own quilt design, making the quilt, and publishing the pattern. I want to teach it at a quilt retreat coming up in Oregon in the Spring of 2010. I see all these beautiful fabrics and I want to put them into a quilt so I can enjoy looking at them. Buying them and adding to my stash isn't the same.
Wishing you a blessed week until next time.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Quilting in July
This is a picture of a quilt I'm working on today. Actually, I've been working on this quilt for about six months. I get pulled in other directions and it gets set aside. This weekend I was inspired to applique and this quilt has appliqued blocks in it. The reds and blues give it a happy playful feeling about it. The picture doesn't do it justice. It's called Prairie Pot Pie, designed by Rose Wojnar, and will be 92"x 92"when finished.

Friday, July 17, 2009
It's Friday
Thursday night at our quilt guild meeting Sandra shared her paper doll quilt. Isn’t it the cutest? There is a pocket on the back to store the clothes. I’m going to have to make one for Brooke. So my To Do List grows.
These pictures are not very good. I just ordered the fabric and when I get it done I'll post the picture.
This blue quilt has embroidered centers and hundreds of half square triangles. I love it.
Saturday five of us from the guild are going on a road trip shopping for fabric for next years Opportunity quilt. We are going to Quilters Corner in Sacramento. I took a class there and it is an awesome shop. Then we will be off to Tayo’s in Fair Oaks, J R Flamingo and Bear Paws and Hollyhocks in Sacramento, and Torrie’s Sew and Vac in Carmichael. In case you aren’t aware, that would be the same as turning a bunch of kids loose in a candy store and telling them they can have anything they want. I can’t have anything I want but is there is something I can not live without it will be mine. You have to be real about this stuff.
Wednesday night is a board meeting and Friday night I’m taking a serger class at Jan’s. Her daughter Jennifer usually teaches the classes and she is a sweetie. She is very talented and a good teacher too.
I’ll keep you posted as the week progress.
Have a blessed day.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Heat is On
I was reading a friends blog and she mentioned that she had found some half finished blocks and seemed amazed by that. I thought that was normal. I have discovered something about me and my obsession with quilting. I don't quilt to have a quilt. It's about the process that I enjoy. Don't get me wrong, when I finish a quilt I'm very pleased but I'm also okay with having numerous quilt blocks tucked away in their project box waiting to to be sewed into a quilt. Next week I am taking some vacation time and I'm planning to finish two quilts. One is my brothers birthday present and the other is the Patch Work Party quilt I started in March. The setting blocks need to be completed and then I can assemble the quilt top. I will post a picture when it's done. I have a couple of kids crafting aprons I want to finish and send of to two of my granddaughter's. So much to do and so little.
Wishing you a blessed day.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Betty Boop
I have been collecting Betty Boop items for 40 years. Some of my collectibles are rare and pricey and others are inexpensive and fun. The majority of my Boop collection is gifts from friends and family so they have a special place in my heart.
This is my latest addition and I purchased her because she is making a statement about breast cancer awareness. I love her pink dress. She is made of porcelain and is a true collectible.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Don't Worry, Be Happy
I have another quilt added to my list that I want to make. I think quilting keeps my mind on more positive things. I want to pull out some coordinating fabrics and make up some community for our guild to donate. That will be a great opportunity to practice my quilting. I think I'll start now.
Have a blessed day.
Monday, June 29, 2009
A tale of too much heat.
I've been practicing my free motion quilting too. I can see a lot of improvement. I am looking forward to having some time to focus on that skill. Meanwhile here are some pictures of the quilt I made for a friend's first grand baby. I struggled with how to quilt it and I'm happy with the way it turned out. I wish the pictures showed more detail.
It's a panel with pieced blocks down one side and across the bottom.

Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day
Today was a special Sunday for me because my nephew's girl friend came to church with me. I've been sharing my faith with her and praying for this for two years. She brought Baby Joey and he played in the nursery. He had a good time and was a very good little boy. She said she enjoyed it and wanted to go next week too. Praise God!
So I finished the baby quilt and I'll post a picture at the end of the week. I'm designing a special quilt label. I'm pleased with the improvement in my quilting. I used my Mom's Pfaff because I couldn't get the bobbin tension right on my Viking. My next project is to finish my brothers 60th birthday quilt.
God's peace be with you until next time.
Friday, June 12, 2009
I got up early this morning so I would have time to stop and gas up my car. I’m on the road at 6:30 and the traffic is light, which is a good thing because the developmentally delayed seem to populate the roads at that time in the morning. These people creep along 10 – 15 miles under the speed limit, and wait until they are actually making the turn to use their turn signals. My favorite are the ones that wait until you are almost at the intersection and then they pull out right in front of you and creep along. You check your rear view mirror thinking there must be a line of cars behind you and this is their only window of opportunity, but no, there are no cars behind you, so I figure they must be visually impaired. Tonya, you know what I'm talking about.
I’m following a school bus and I’m staying a safe distance behind. As we approach the intersection the bus enters and the light turns yellow so I stop. Before the bus is out of the intersection the light is red. Almost immediately the light is green again and I take off and while I’m still in the intersection the light turns yellow and then red. My first thought is okay Lord, is this a test? So on to the next intersection. This one is a photo enforced intersections where your picture is taken if you run the red light. Okay, so I’m behind the bus again, the light turns green, we go, and then the light turns yellow then red and I’m still in the dang intersection. This is at West Lane and Hammer, which is a huge intersection, like five or six lanes. I can’t punch it because the bus is in front of me and I don’t want a ticket. What’s up with this? Is this a scam the city has devised to increase revenue’s to balance their budget? The irony here is that I’m very aware of these intersection with the cameras and I always approach with caution. So, while I’m filling up my gas tank, I’m steaming, getting angry and upset trying to figure how I’m going to handle this, it just isn’t fair. As I’m driving to work I hit a couple of the numerous potholes in the road, not good for the car. Stockton has the worst roads. Maybe the city wants additional income from traffic fines to fix the roads.
By the time I get to work I’m really upset. I sit at my desk and in front of me is a tile with Psalm 18:2 on it. The Lord is my strength, in whom I will trust. So I ask him how I should handle this, I can’t just ignore it. I call Stockton’s traffic signal maintenance division and to my surprise a lady answers the phone. I thought I would get a recording because it’s not even 7:30. I explained my situation and she said she would transfer me to the electrical shop. Ed answered the phone and I told him my story. I’m not sure why but he was laughing. He explained that the lights are on timers which operate according to the traffic usage. I explained to him that that should not be the case on the intersections that are photo enforced and the time between yellow and red should be enough time for a car to get through the intersection. He is still chuckling and I asked him if these calls are recorded. He said no and asked if I was going to curse him out, then I started laughing. No, I explained, that wasn’t my style I just didn’t want to receive a ticket for something that was out of my control. He laughed again and said he would call the traffic engineers. So it’s a wait and see. Now I ask you, who should have to start their day like that?
The day continued with computer problems and more regulations from the state that make my work very unpleasant. So it’s Friday and tomorrow is Saturday I don’t have to drive in traffic. After church on Sunday I can work on my quilting project and play with my dogs. Thank God it’s Friday.
Have a blessed weekend.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Marvelous Monday
Friday after breakfast I took her to our local quilt store to check it out and meet the ladies who work there. They are the greatest. Debbie, the owner, was there and she and Mary hit it off. They were wheeling and dealing and I was catching up with the ladies and checking out all the eye candy. I love fabric and Debbie has plenty. I think we were there over three hours. Then it was home, dinner, and more chatting. I gave her a trunk show of all the quilt tops I’ve made and need to quilt.
Saturday we headed back to Quilter’s Quarters and Mary and Debbie did more wheeling and dealing. When we left there it was off to Gottschalks for their liquidation sale. The store is closing up and I sure hate to see it go. We don’t have many good stores in town and I was usually able to find cloths that were suitable for work there. Mary picked up a metal display rack that will be perfect for hanging quilt patterns and stacking fat quarters at her quilt shop. Then it was home to get ready for the big wedding in Modesto. It was our great-nephew’s wedding and we had a great time. The evening was fabulous and from my point of view it was the perfect wedding.
Sunday I went to church, everybody else was off doing their thing. It was a slow paced day that ended in a barbeque and a movie. Mary left this morning and it was back to reality. I accomplished a lot today. The laundry is done and I vacuumed. I spent time outside trimming my rose bushes and the hedges in the front of the house. The weather was wonderful and I sat on the side of the pool with my feet in the water thinking about how great it will be when I’m retired and I’ll have more time to enjoy all the blessing I have.
I have a quilt I need to get finished so until next time have a blessed life.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What's been going on.
I’ve been quilting on my Sisters Twister quilt. I had about ¼ of it quilted and realized the thread tension was off and I had to rip it out and start over. I will finish that quilt in June too.
My BFF (sister-in-law from Oregon) will be here on the 4th to attend a family wedding. I’m taking the 5th off so we can play with fabric and plan my future in Oregon. She is co-owner of Sonja's Sewing Basket in Sutherlin Oregon. The plan is to join the partnership.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Blessed Event
Congratulations to Mom, Dad and all the other family members too.

Monday, May 11, 2009
Marvelous Monday
So here is the update on what’s been going on. I finished my cake decorating class. Here is a picture of the cake I did. There are more techniques I want to learn but I think I will wait a month before starting up again.
The wedding shower was fabulous. The lunch was good and the Kate got a lot of nice gifts. I had a great time and I really like Kate. My niece and her daughter did a wonderful job putting the shower together and it was held in a spectacular old private home. I think somebody said it was built in the early 1800’s. Here is two views of the front entrance.
It had rained during the day and everything was clean and fresh looking. I love the rain so it really made everything special. I'm not sure everybody felt the same.
This is a picture of the grooms grandmothers, the bride to be, her mother and the grooms mother.
I’m still waiting on a block for my Patch Work Party quilt but I started a baby quilt for a friend. I picked up some great quilt fabric at Quilter’s Quarters at 50% off and did some catching up. I haven’t been in the store for a few months due to my pledge to use up some of my stash before buying more fabric. Oh like that's going to happen. With our 9% sales tax I can't afford to buy a lot of fabric to store. I consider this purchase a very small relapse since the fabric was half price. The staff at the quilt store are great and I miss not seeing them regularly.
Mother’s day started at church where an omelet brunch was served after the service. How special was that? I got a great card from Brit, Brook, and Bree and a beautiful wind chime to hang in my kitchen window. Tami picked up some Christian music for me and we barbequed, which meant less mess in the kitchen. I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s day too.
Until next time, wishing you God’s blessings.